Customer Testimonials

(Proudly Serving 100-Mile Radius Around Hannibal & New London, MO & Qunicy, IL)

Great friendly service. Great prices. Very happy and satisfied. Great prices to.

Cindy Y.

Excellent company, great services and friendly people to work with. Corey and his crew are amazing people and are very compassionate.

Meggin W.

Quick and easy to deal with!

Jason L.

These guys are amazing. They've taken care of 4 heating issues I've had in the last 2 months. What another company was going to charge me these guys did for a fraction of the cost. And to top it off the quality is amazing. I will never call another HVAC company in Quincy again

Andrew W.

Jack and Cory are so easy to work with. They installed my GeoThermal unit at home and have done all my HVAC work on my shop. They can do it all from ceiling fans in my shop to lower my heating and cooling costs to install my new heating and cooling unit. They really do care about their customers and I love working with them.

Tim M.

Stress free experience. They answer their phones and show up when they say they are. Professional installation. Answered all my questions. Thanks guys!

Back 40 Livin

Prompt and courteous professional service. Would definitely use this company again in the future and would surely recommend them to others!

Susan H.

Our compressor on our ground source heat system went out 2 days before Christmas... they came out and assessed the situation, drove to st Louis next morning and got us heat. The temps were in single digits so this was a blessing to get us fixed so fast... I would recommend them to everyone.

Carol T.

Excellent service. Very quick and reliable. Very good pricing.

Christine J.